
Schreib uns eine Nachricht

Do you want to become a member?

Do you want to rent the bar?

Do you want to organize a concert with us?

Do you want to support the bar renovation project?


Then be sure to contact us!


Of course, you can also simply drop by our bar sometime.

Rental Inquiries

Please inform us about the following points when making rental inquiries:

  • On which day is the event planned to take place?
  • During what time period is the event planned to take place?
  • From what time will space for preparation be required (key handover)?
  • When can the premises be returned? (No later than 14:00 the following day)
  • What is the purpose of the event (birthday celebration, club meeting, class reunion, etc.)?
  • How old is the organizer? o Is the organizer a student?
  • How many guests are expected (maximum 50)?
  • Will there be any underage guests present?
  • What facilities are needed (Refer to the list)?
  • How did you hear about us?





Technikumstrasse 36

8400 Winterthur

Social Media

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Technikumstrasse 36

8400 Winterthur


Opening hours

Saison #18 Spring 2024

February 22nd - May 23rd

Every Thursday 16:30 - 24:00

Türmli-Bar Logo