The Plan for the future

21'275,60 CHF and counting

Türmli-Bar Übersichtsplan aktuell

Floor plan 2019

The Türmli-Bar is in urgent need of renovation. Therefore, we are planning a major overhaul.

Approximately 50,000 CHF are needed for this project.


Changes are planned not only to the infrastructure but also on an organizational level.


An informational event regarding this matter took place in the bar on February 22, 2018.

Türmli-Bar Übersichtsplan geplant

Possible future floor plan

Türmli-Bar since 2015

Every Thursday during the semester, the Türmli-Bar opens in the basement of the student house Türmlihuus. It is run by the Türmli-Bar association, which is responsible not only for operating the bar but also for renting out the premises. The association members, primarily students of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), volunteer their time.

Since the separation of the bar from the ZHAW Student Association Alias (formerly VSZHAW) in March 2015, the Türmli-Bar association has been able to settle debts amounting to 10,000 Swiss francs incurred through the acquisition of inventory. With this, the association is financially stable and can fully focus on its activities. These activities include operating the bar and renting out the premises to individuals, associations, and companies.

Maintaining attractiveness through renovation

Although minor adjustments to the furnishings have been made over time, the infrastructure has aged, and renovation is urgently needed. In addition to a fresh coat of paint for walls and ceilings, the plans include installing a stage with appropriate lighting and various other smaller remodeling measures. The bar is also set to receive a new centerpiece: a new counter.


The Türmli-Bar association cannot finance the renovation on its own, as the total costs are estimated at around 50,000 CHF. Therefore, funds for the renovation are being collected through crowdfunding and sponsorship. Whether financial, material, or organizational support, Türmli-Bar welcomes any donation.


With this renovation, the bar would be ready for the future. In addition to Thursdays, the bar is intended to be available to students for various other purposes. Whether as a rehearsal space for theater groups, meeting room for clubs, study groups, and much more, the possibilities for use are diverse.

Key details

Project Start: February 22, 2018


Funding Threshold: 30,000 CHF

Funding Goal: 80,000 CHF

Support & Sponsoring

We need support on financial, infrastructural, and organizational levels.

Renovation Measures

We are not only renovating the bar but also restructuring the association. All measures are outlined in the action plan.

Project team

Project Management: Philipp Schwarz


Subproject Management: Florian Baumann


Participants: Türmlihuus Resident Community


Other Involved Parties: Alias, WOKO, Swowi Foundation, Monument Protection Winterthur, Building Inspectorate Winterthur, Fire Department Winterthur, Green City Winterthur

Our Project in the Media

Various media outlets have already reported on our project.

Example Basel

We are not the first student bar in Switzerland to fund our bar renovation through donations.



Technikumstrasse 36

8400 Winterthur

Opening hours

Saison #18 Spring 2024

February 22nd - May 23rd

Every Thursday 16:30 - 24:00

Türmli-Bar Logo